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undergraduate projects & coursework

from august, 2019, to december, 2021, i attended colorado state university (fort collins, co), where i studied media and interdisciplinary leadership. 


specifically, i earned a bachelor's degree, majoring in journalism & media communication, with a focus on science communication and public relations. additionally, i studied within the president's leadership program, an initiative centered around the intersection of leadership and identities--successfully earning a minor in interdisciplinary leadership studies. both of these disciplines fall within the college of liberal arts.


this page serves to be a highlight of the many artistic and web-related projects i took on during my undergraduate career. 


further questions and media inquiries can be directed to my personal email address,








Like a Champ (JTC 460, Senior Capstone)

an inside look at one of Colorado State University's most transcendent instructors, an emphatically passionate science communicator, and a student-career networking agent unlike any other.

click the image below for more


Swim , Bike, Run...and a Career? (JTC 326, Online Storytelling)

my personal journey through media, triathlon, and everything in between--all summarized in a transmedia format of audio, visual, and written journalism. 

click the image below for more


Leadership Experience Portfolio (IU 271, Leadership Styles)

a portfolio entailing the projects, coursework, and learnings from my second year at CSU, specifically within the president's leadership program--a year riddled with online schooling and the covid-19 pandemic. 

click the image below for more


TNFxBLM Media Kit (JTC 351, Public Relations)

utilizing course texts and learnings from public relations studies, the following is a mock-up for a media kit in tandem with The North Face and Black Lives Matter, showcasing press release writing ability, aesthetic creativity, and more.

click the image below for more 

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