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Swim, Bike, Run...and a career?

A Triathlete's Journey Through Journalism


Benjamin Randall

CSU Amateur Triathlete and Journalism Major


I'm a relatively new name in the fields of competitive endurance racing and journalism--but not for long.


My journey began during my junior year of high school, when I took up running, as well as writing, and I haven't slowed down since.


Now, a dedicated triathlete, sponsored athlete, and published journalist, I have my sights on a career, unlike any other: Adventure Journalism--a niche combination of athletic talents and writing ability.


But how will I get there? What even is this industry? And how can I get started now?


Follow along below to listen, read, and watch my story unfold, and how you, too, can begin your own story within a career beyond your wildest dreams.



an athletic contest consisting of three different events, typically swimming, cycling, and long-distance running

Adventure Travel

a type of tourism involving travel to remote or exotic locations in order to take part in physically challenging outdoor activities.

But where does Journalism fit into this?

Where do I fit into this? What is... this?

Is Adventure Journalism...Sustainable?


The Question:


How can I combine my cycling, running, swimming, or even more holistically--my love for the outdoors--with my love for producing journalistic content?


How can this niche combination become a profitable, stable career?


The Problem:


How can this career support me financially?

Freelancers often live from paycheck to paycheck--would an adventure travel writer rely solely on magazine-based income, on a sporadic basis?


Looking Onward:


The answers to these questions aren't clear-cut, and the industry itself isn't very defined.


This career will be what I make of it. Research and searching for mentors will be my next step...

Who Helped & Influenced My Path


Jayme Moye


Award-winning Adventure Journalist, specializing in travel, mountain sports and culture, and pushing the limits of human potential.


Her award-winning freelance work appears in National Geographic, Outside, Adventure Journal, and Travel + Leisure, among others. 

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Morgan Tilton


Award-winning journalist and dedicated nature enthusiast.


Specializing in outdoor, travel, and news stories, Morgan's work has been published in Backpacker, Outside, Adventure Journal, and VF Corporation, amongst many others. 


I met Morgan when she came to CSU during my freshman year, where she sparked an early interest in this career.

Tips, Tricks, and Tools Learned

Jayme Moye was incredibly helpful in finding out the insights, tips, and future of Adventure Journalism. Listen in on my podcast discussion with Jayme, and learn some tools to enhance your own goal-setting techniques.

What I've Learned; My Future with Adventure Journalism

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